Congratulations on starting Computer Studies 030!

This course is structured so that you can quickly demonstrate the computer and online skills you already have, and develop and practise new skills.
These include:
- typing at 10 words per minute or more
- demonstrating a basic knowledge of computers
- improving your computer and online vocabulary
- experience the advantages of using a word processor
- browsing the Internet
- sending and receiving email
This course has been divided into four modules (or units) and each module is further divided into lessons. These modules are:
- Module 1: Basic Knowledge of Computers
- Module 2: Keyboarding
- Module 3: Word Processing
- Module 4: Electronic Communication
Each module is again subdivided into lessons and numbered as Module#Lesson#. Also, each module contains an assignment page where the assignments are numbered as Module#Lesson#Assignment#.
Complete the course by working your way through the content you will find as you scroll down the page. Read each unit, follow the links and complete any assignments and quizzes you see along your way.
Click on the following links to download a course outline, instructions on how to login to your D2L account and a general checklist: